الخميس، 6 نوفمبر 2008

Sleep walking

Have you even had the feeling that you’ve been sleeping for long time, and could see your self walking in your dreams. But suddenly you discover that you were sleep walking, and to wake up at a strange world.
Looking around you’ll find our beloved boring world “Globally” has changed, nothing is like it seems. Sure I’m talking about the economical crisis the world facing, and all what it had lead to, Russia going to back to live and its war with Georgia. And ending “till now” with the new Election for president in the UNITED STATS OF AMERICA, Mr. Barak Obama.
It is all dark, you have no future, newspaper, TV, & even news websites weeps for your dreams, all gone. The whole economical system has a big sign tag over its screen saying “System Failure”. I haven’t read much about it what came on, but what stopped me few things. Big countries “e.g. Germany”, announced that it’s thinking of buying banks that facing critical problems, which seems as Germany is going to Socialism, Russia is going to lend a European country, which I believe Iceland, to pass over her debts after none of the EU care to help, RUISSA IS BACK… and finally all stocks are fallen, fuel and dollar $ all over the glob, maybe that the only seen we notice here in Egypt, stocks crashes down, but other than that all seems fine, maybe because we too smart we didn’t have any economical system so it never fails .
Maybe the Russian Georgian war is not something important for us here, but first, it been a long time since Russia did some action, other than fighting with Shishnian rebels “ domestic disturbance as they call it “, second it is only a repeating thing that big countries can do what they want , stop the shishnians and assist the Ositsha “if I remember its name right “, and last, on the day of Obama’s election, Russia congratulate him and in the same line announce that now it has missiles against the US rocket shield. Welcome Obama.
Yes welcome Obama, when I knew he won even it was so clear few days before it, I wonder how MalcomX or Marten loather King would have felt, from a day not that far, signs were on “dogs or Naggers are not allowed”, it is something we respect American for its democracy “even it is only internal”, also I got the feeling that Obama might be killed like Kandy. Sure there are people wouldn’t accept much change. Last thing Conspiracy theory was all over me, seeing how Obama was winning; I guess it was so because Americans had enough of the Republicans. Changes, lots of changes , and yet much to come , Global and domestic “ I hope “, it is so silly to hope that the new US president hold something new for us here, or will assist changes .even if it is true, which I doubt, why would any one fight your war for you, it is your war to fight. I believe economy can help in shifting all things in this world, as it did back in 1930, but I hope it be less deadly that the pervious time.

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